The strategic advantage in solar sales

Leadgenerator Solar

With the Leadgenerator Solar, energy suppliers, municipal utilities, installation companies and resellers can achieve their sales targets in the solar industry faster and more efficiently. With the Lead Generator Solar, you can improve your customer approach, increase the conversion rate and optimise lead validation and pre-qualification, all in accordance with the latest data protection standards.

Product features at a glance

Unique data accuracy for convincing customer communication

The photovoltaic calculator delivers very precise results without manual input for roof orientation, pitch and size. With automated data recognition, your potential customers receive relevant information about the possible installation of photovoltaic systems more quickly. This also reduces the abandonment rate significantly.

The individual information provided by users is used to calculate the precise cost-effectiveness of the system, providing valuable insights into the benefits. This builds trust with your customers.

Comprehensive database

A combination of laser scan and weather data enables precise irradiation and shading analysis.

Data independence

Answering just a few questions is enough to carry out a profitability calculation and the configuration of a PV systems. It works applicable in any area..

Suitable system technology

From easy integration, as an iFrame, to lead management, we offer solutions that integrate seamlessly into your systems.

Quotation creation and white label

Support with the creation of individual quotations for solar systems and, if required, adaptation of the design to your corporate design.

The process

How does the Leadgenerator Solar work?

Step 1

Irradiation analysis

Users enter their address and select the roof. This information is sufficient for a professional analysis of the photovoltaic systems.

Step 2

Individual questionnaire

Leads are effectively pre-qualified by answering specific questions.

Step 3

Quotation generation

With the next step, our Offer Tool, you can map the entire digital customer journey for your customers.


The Advantages...

...for you:

Higher conversion rates

Seamless integration

Lower costs per lead

Customised inventory of questions

...for your customers:

Simple process

Fast results

Trustworthy partnership


Discover how Leadgenerator Solar can transform your business and enable you to effectively drive the energy transition, as well as increase efficiency while building trusting relationships with your customers.

Talk to our expert
M.Sc. Romina höftmann
Answers to frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

What are the advantages of using a solar calculator for marketing and solar sales?

The solar calculator offers solutions for all important challenges of current online sales strategies in B2C and B2B solar sales. The Leadgenerator Solar not only enables a more targeted customer approach and an increase in the conversion rate, but also facilitates the creation of individual offers afterwards. Your potential customers can check the solar potential of their roof in no time at all. You no longer have to use human resources for the initial consultation and assessment of solar suitability.

Is the integration of a photovoltaic calculator worthwhile for photovoltaic sales?

We know from experience with our customers that the conversion rate can be increased by between 3 and 11 percent. The traffic generated on the solar calculator is important for achieving the highest possible conversion rate. We are happy to advise you here! You can also keep the costs per lead at a low level. We offer a pay-per-use license model in which you only pay for each verified lead in addition to a low quarterly minimum turnover.

For which target group is the use of a photovoltaic calculator suitable?

The photovoltaic calculator is particularly suitable for companies that want to set up online solar sales or improve an existing sales strategy. The integration of a solar calculator is also suitable if you want to save on personnel and therefore financial resources for an initial solar suitability check. Our customers for this product primarily include municipal utilities and energy supply companies.

Can the solar calculator also be used in the B2B sector?

The solar calculator is not only suitable for B2C sales. In addition to the Solar B2C leadgenerator, we have developed the Solar B2B leadgenerator. The following link will take you to the corresponding demo version.

What are the technical requirements for integrating a solar calculator?

None in principle. The PV calculator can be seamlessly integrated into the website via iFrame. Another option is to provide your own landing page. We would be happy to discuss the options with you and work together to find the best solution for your target campaign.

Can the photovoltaic calculator automatically calculate the suitability of roof surfaces?

Yes, as long as the data basis (e.g. OpenData) is available for the requested building. If no data is available, the solar suitability can be determined with a few additional questions to the customer.

Are the leads exclusively for me?

Yes, the leads are of course exclusively for you. The application can be understood as your own website. Under no circumstances will we pass on incoming inquiries to third parties.

How are we informed about generated leads?

You will be informed of an incoming lead by e-mail. If the customer has gone through the double opt-in process, the lead will appear in the backend of the PV calculator, the so-called hub.

Can I customize the texts and emails?

Of course, all texts can be customized according to your wishes.

Can the functionality also be made available for our existing solar calculator?

Yes, our API interface can often be used to add additional functions and data to an existing solar calculator at a later date.

We would like to have our own front end programmed, can we still get access to the data and functions?

Yes, we offer access to the functions of the solar calculator via our API interface.

For which areas in Germany can the photovoltaic calculator carry out automated roof analyses?

So-called open data, i.e. open, freely available data, is available in most federal states in Germany. Data availability is constantly growing in connection with the PSI Directive.

Does the solar calculator also work in areas without open data?

Yes, the solar calculator is not dependent on the availability of data. It can be used in all areas. See also Data independence.

Can data sources other than OpenData also be integrated into the photovoltaic calculator?

Yes, it is important that it is either laser scan data or high-resolution (min. 4 points per square meter) data. We can also integrate Google Sunroof data for urban areas, which is purchased separately and passed on to you on a one-to-one basis.

Can the questions in the photovoltaic calculator be customized?

Yes, the list of questions can be individually adapted to your solar campaign. There are only a few mandatory questions for the calculation. In addition, we offer a possible pool of questions from which you can choose individually. If required, we can also include additional questions. See also individual question catalog.

Can module, storage and inverter prices be adjusted to our prices?

Yes, all PV hardware can be stored in our system and used for all calculations. This includes PV modules, battery storage systems, inverters, charging stations or even your own individual categories.

Can we use our own calculation parameters for the profitability calculation?

Yes, you can of course store your own parameters. All parameters influencing a profitability calculation are customizable.

Can the layout be adapted to the corporate design of our company / solar campaign?

Yes, the design can be fully customized. See also White Label.

Is the use of the photovoltaic calculator compatible with the current data protection regulations?

Yes, by taking the GDPR into account throughout the entire process, the Leadgenerator Solar not only enables GDPR-compliant customer approaches, but is also absolutely secure for the end customer. Using the double opt-in procedure, the customer confirms that they would like to receive further information and, if applicable, a corresponding offer.

In which license model is the photovoltaic calculator offered?

We offer the photovoltaic calculator in a pay-per-use license model. In addition to a one-off set-up fee and a low quarterly minimum turnover, you only pay for each verified lead. A lead is considered verified as soon as the customer has gone through the double opt-in process.

Are there also products for processing the generated leads?

Yes, we offer you solutions for the entire sales channel, from the initial contact with potential customers to the preparation of an individual offer and the signing of the contract by the customer. You can find more information on our product overview page.

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